BUBBA BURGER--LET'S GO (get a new brand) METS
Bubba Burger- Shea Stadium
So the official hamburger of Shea Stadium and my beloved Mets is the Bubba Burger. Whats a Bubba Burger? Well its not really as good as it sounds. Bubba’s is a new (or at least to me) brand of frozen supermarket patties. Now the fact that Shea stadium is using frozen patties should be no surprise. They have to make hundreds of these…and quickly. For years the building has been serving them and now somebody finally had the good idea to charge a company extra money for the rights to be “The Official Burger of The New York Mets”. I mean do what you have to do in order to get pricey players like Pedro and fellow M.O.T Green!
So now for the Burgers. As far as foil wrapped burgers go the bun was not too mooshey and this was probably the thickest self serve burger I have ever had. The problem was that with the added thickness it just ment their was more of THE WORST FOIL WRAPPED BURGER I HAVE EVER HAD IN MY LIFE!!!!!! Ouch that hurt so much to say. Mets I love you. Do what you have to do to sigh big name players…put ads on the toilet paper, put a billboard up everywhere…just give up on Buba! At least throw on some lettuce and tomatoes!
So yes that hurt, stick to hot dogs Mets fans.
Type: Foil wrapped crap
Price: not worth a single penny
Recommend: No…but LET’S GO METS!!!!!!
Looks like you had great seats...
Anyway, let me know about playoffs -- we should see another game soon.
I like Buba burgers. Been buying them in grocery stores for years.
Love the Bubba Burgers! Sounds like you got a dud... :-)
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