Friday, March 24, 2006


My attepmt to hang out with a westchester friend....

Girl (10:51:16 AM): I dont' know if I want a movie too
Girl (10:51:20 AM): I mean we might not make it
Girl (10:51:24 AM): if we just get dinner
ME (10:51:36 AM): maybe we can eat at the pallisades
ME (10:51:39 AM): and see a movie there
Girl (10:51:43 AM): ? no
ME (10:51:45 AM): they have fatburger
Girl (10:51:46 AM): that is too far
ME (10:51:50 AM): ill drive you
Girl (10:51:52 AM): I"m not eating fatburger
Girl (10:51:55 AM): forget it
ME (10:51:55 AM): haha fine
Girl (10:51:57 AM): no plans tonight'
Girl (10:51:59 AM): cancelled
ME (10:52:00 AM): what
ME (10:52:02 AM): !
Girl (10:52:03 AM): you are like college boy
ME (10:52:11 AM): have you ever been to fatburger
Girl (10:52:19 AM): I ask you to go out for dinner w/ me and you say you want fatburger
ME (10:52:20 AM): the one in the pallisades is the first one this side of LA
Girl (10:52:21 AM): I can't deal
Girl (10:52:28 AM): I have to go
ME (10:52:32 AM): ugh!!!!!!!

SIGH oh well


At 3:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

G, you just need to ask the right girls to burger joints. And if they go with you, they're a keeper.



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